My fishing partner Linda Robinson and I just added another tournament win to our resumes!! We fished Luke Campbell s' Tournament held at Everglades Holiday Park yesterday and won it with 26.65 pounds!! Our biggest fish weighed in at 6.07 lbs which also gave us the big fish win!! Holiday Park is just west of Weston FL where Griffin Rd meets US 27.
It was one of those fantastic days that only happen every once in a while! I felt like we knew exactly where to go and what baits to throw. It almost seemed effortless. Don't get me wrong, the fishing was not easy but, the decisions felt right. We worked the conditions perfectly. There was plenty of small fish around but the big fish bites were hard to come by. We only had seven quality bites all day but, that's all it took.
Holiday Park is such an amazing fishery. It baffles me that so many giant bass are caught there with all the fishing pressure it gets. Just about every weekend and all year long, local bass clubs hold tournaments there but at almost every tournament those big momma's make it to the scale for their infamous moment in the spot light.
Keep fishing,
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